
4371 total results. Page 162 of 175.

James J. Bindseil, Wilburn L. Chesser
On June 19, 2014, in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. ___2014, a unanimous Supreme Court held that systems and methods of exchanging financial obligations, implemented in hardware or software, did not qualify for patent protection.
Our value-driven approach to client service is what distinguishes our team of lawyers as one of the premier Communications, Mobile, and Technology practices in the country.
This term, the Supreme Court docket includes a number of cases that could dramatically impact the labor and employment law landscape.
James M. Westerlind, Julius A. Rousseau, III, Lynn R. Fiorentino
In a very close (4-3) decision, New York’s highest court recently reversed summary judgment in a property damage and business interruption case, finding that a broker could be liable because of a potential “special relationship” with the insured.
Karen Ellis Carr
In an 8-0 decision, the US Supreme Court ruled last week that a private party may bring a Lanham Act claim challenging a food label regulated by the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).
Richard L. Brand, Anthony V. Lupo, Amy (Salomon) McFarland
TTAB cancelled six Washington Redskins registrations after finding they violated Section 2(a) of the Federal Lanham Act.
Kay C. Georgi, Peter R. Zeidenberg
The US Department of Justice recently announced that Fokker Services BV (FSBV), a Dutch aerospace services provider, agreed to forfeit $10.5 million to the United States.
Michael L. Stevens
On June 12, the DOL, in conjunction with the White House, released its proposed rule that raises the minimum wage for workers on federal service and construction contracts to $10.10 per hour.
Michael L. Stevens
The Saks and Nordstrom cases demonstrate the continuing importance of understanding federal, state, and local wage and hour laws for all employees.
Adam D. Bowser, Alan G. Fishel, Jeffrey E. Rummel
Our value-driven approach to client service is what distinguishes our team of lawyers as one of the premier Communications, Mobile, and Technology practices in the country.
Anthony V. Lupo
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently won a significant victory in federal court in its ongoing efforts to hold businesses accountable for their data security practices.
Lee M. Caplan, Timothy J. Feighery
The book provides an article-by-article analysis of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010 by the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
Michael L. Stevens
Pending changes in Obama era federal overtime exemptions and minimum wage requirements could significantly affect how employers pay their employees.
Birgit Matthiesen, David R. Hamill
The Buy America constraints of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) which, for the first time, imposed a domestic preference provision that required all iron, steel, and manufactured goods used in any project funded wholly or partially by the ARRA be produced in the U.S.
Michael L. Stevens
The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that two uses of a racially offensive slur, directed against an employee by another employee were not sufficiently severe or pervasive as to change the terms and conditions of employment and thereby constitute unlawful discrimination.
Anthony V. Lupo, Dan Jasnow
In a case against LabMD, a judge ruled that the FTC must disclose the internal standards it uses to determine whether a company maintains adequate data security.
Brian D. Schneider, Marc L. Fleischaker
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Office of Exempt Organizations held an informational call yesterday to provide guidance for 501(c)(6) organizations on obtaining and maintaining tax-exempt status.
Peter R. Zeidenberg
In a closely watched case, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has concluded that officers and employees of a foreign government-owned company may be “foreign officials” for purposes of the anti-bribery prohibitions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
Stephanie Trunk
On May 21, 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General released a Supplement Specialty Advisory Bulletin entitled to supplement its Special Advisory Bulletin on Patient Assistance Programs for Medicare Part D Enrollees (2005 SAB) (70 Fed. Reg. 70623).
Michael L. Stevens
In 2012, when the National Labor Relations Board launched a webpage addressing protected concerted activity, Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce declared Section 7 rights “one of the best kept secrets of the NLRA.”
Richard L. Brand
Football fans get a chance to invest in player brands.
Janine A. Carlan, Taniel E. Anderson
On May 2, 2014, the Eastern District of Virginia1 held that attorneys must inform the Court of any pending Inter Partes Review (IPR) regarding patents asserted in litigation. Failure to do so may violate the general duty of candor and good faith to the Court.
On May 9, 2014, a federal appeals court reversed a California trial court’s determination that 37 API packages that are part of Oracle’s famous Java programming platform were not subject to copyright protection.
In a decision filed on May 8, 2014, the California Court of Appeals held that patentable ideas, if kept secret, can constitute information protectable by trade secret law.