Designation/Blocking Sanctions Against Russian Elites

OFAC also sanctioned seven individuals with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and/or in elite positions of power within the Russian state or the Russian financial sector, including:

  • Sergei Sergeevich Ivanov
  • Andrey Patrushev
  • Ivan Igorevich Sechin
  • Alexander Aleksandrovich Vedyakhin
  • Andrey Sergeyevich Puchkov
  • Yuriy Alekseyevich Soloviev
  • Galina Olegovna Ulyutina

Again, any entity directly or indirectly owned 50 percent or more, whether individually or in the aggregate, by any of these individuals is also blocked.

What to do: These designations are effective immediately, and all US persons should screen their suppliers, customers, and third-party business partners – in addition to their ultimate beneficial owners – against the new SDN List containing these individuals.